Not Your Average Baby


poster design 
social media 

AD: Becca Benoit 
CW: Jordan Lis

The Challenge
Convince parents that they should buy Globowl for their babies because it introduces their baby to big flavors and common allergens to prevent future picky eaters, food aversions and allergies.
The Insight
Globowl is an elevated, culturally unique baby food for parents who want the best for their babies (and every parents secretly wants their baby to be the best)
The Objective
Sell Globowl to parents, showing them that this food is unique and better than average, just like their baby.

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Social PostsCaption:
This isn’t your average baby food because you’re not raising just an average baby. Globowl is chef-curated, internationally-inspired baby food that introduces your child to big flavors and bold spices. 
